Welcome to SkillsMedTech!
Our online learning platform is easy to navigate. But please read this introduction if you want to be really sure on the right steps to enrolling into and taking online courses on SkillsMedTech. We highly recommend watching this 2-minute video that will give you a super quick start to taking courses.
Taking the First Step
SkillsMedTech provides training courses on medical device regulations. Browse and click through the various course titles to view the course description, curriculum, conditions and pre-requisites. You are also able to find information about the course instructor.
Watching Free Previews
We understand that you need some time to decide about whether to take a course. That’s why every course comes with a free intro video that tells you what you will learn. Plus, the first couple of lessons are always free. Access to the free lessons requires registration onto our site. Give this a try to get to the course interface!
Access to Tools
When you are already on the course interface, access all lessons, topics, documents and quizzes by navigating the left menu.The course progress metric and discussion forum are available even when you are taking the free lessons.
Taking Lessons
Whenever you have completed a topic, click on the ‘Next’ button on the right side of the screen. Clicking the ‘Next’ button will also ensure that the topic is marked as completed and captured by the progress metric. You may also browse lessons and topics by selecting from the left menu on the course interface.
Taking the Full Course
If you encounter restricted access to some lessons or topics, this means you will need to make a purchase to access the entire course. Simply click on the ‘Purchase’ button to go to the main course page. At the main course page, click on the ‘Buy’ or price button to go to the checkout page. Once you have submitted your payment details, you will be given immediate access to the full course.